Section Registrar
Mr. So/ren Nielsen
Application concerned
17 March 2013
46998/08 Mikhaylova v. Russia
Dear Mr. Nielsen,
I have received from you by post on 6 March 2013 a letter dated 5
February 2013 with the attached memorandum (observations) by the
government of the Russian Federation dated 1 February 2013.
It is unfortunately a regular practice that applicants in Russia
receive post from the Court around a month after it was dispatched by
the Court. Therefore, if the government of the Russian Federation
submitted an English version of its memorandum by 1 March 2013, as it
was required to do, and the Court has dispatched it to us by post, we
will likely receive it from the Court only by around 9 April 2013
which leaves us no time for preparing our response.
Having taken this timeline into account, as well as the fact that the
representative of the applicant and its legal team work in English and
intend to submit its response to the memorandum by the Russian
Government in English only, I would kindly like to request the Court
to extend the deadline of 9 April 2013 for submission of the
applicant's memorandum until 9 May 2013. It would be appreciated if
the Court could respond to our extension request by email, to ensure
that we are given notice before the original deadline passes: my email
address is ab636@cantab.net.
The applicant will endeavour to file its observations earlier than 9
May 2013 if the Court can provide the applicant with the English
version of the memorandum submitted by the government of Russia via
email. I kindly request that the English version be sent to my account
ab636@cantab.net at the earliest convenience please.
Kind regards,
Anton Burkov
representative of Mikhaylova
tel.: +79161250593
email: ab636@cantab.net