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Anton Burkov, The Impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on Russian Law (Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, 2007, ISBN 3-89821-639-X) 162 pp., Paperback, € 24,90




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Other publications by the author

Burkov, Implementation of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Russian Courts," Russian Law: Theory and Practice 1 (2006), 68-76 (in PDF file, 3,8 Mb)

Burkov, ed., Primenenie Evropeiskoi Konvencii o Zaschite Prav Cheloveka v Sudah Rossii (Ekaterinburg: Izdatelstvo Uralskogo Universiteta, 2006), 210-220, (Domestic application of the European Convention on Human Rights in Russian Courts) ISBN 5-7525-1570-X


15.05.2015г. распоряжением Минюста РФ СРОО "Сутяжник" включена в реестр иностранных агентов.